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"The best laid schemes of mice and men go oft awry." - Poet Robert Burns, 1786 The Plans of Man is a sweet, intelligent and honest romantic comedy that looks at what happens when your map for life leads to an unexpected fork in the road...
Genres: Comedy , Romance
A timely and provocative thriller that confronts religious and political freedom, Nigel Barker's The Refuge is the powerful story of two Kurdish men who smuggle themselves out of Iraq into London and take asylum in a land which promises...
Genres: Drama , Romance , War
Two people who were not quite friends a long time ago share some painful secrets in a remote airport in this independent drama. Richard (Daniel Rhyder) and Tiffany (Stacey Miller) both attended the same small town high school, where he...
Ratings: PG-13:US
Genres: Romance , Drama
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