List Tiles Medium Large

Feature Length

"The best laid schemes of mice and men go oft awry." - Poet Robert Burns, 1786 The Plans of Man is a sweet, intelligent and honest...  
The Poet and the Con is a 78 minute "personal voice" documentary about the relationship between the filmmaker, Eric Trules, a performance...  
A timely and provocative thriller that confronts religious and political freedom, Nigel Barker's The Refuge is the powerful story of two...  

Feature Length (cont'd)

With his adult years out of sorts, Webster returns to his childhood home, where he intends to recapture the magic of his youth while...  
Seething with familial conflicts and yearnings, Three Priests offers a powerful journey. Dustin and Joe are brothers who are as different...  
"Please don't. I have a family..." were her last words. Powerful documentary Trained in the Ways of Men explores the controversial events...  
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