The Poet and the Con

About This Film

Plot: The Poet and the Con is a 78 minute "personal voice" documentary about the relationship between the filmmaker, Eric Trules, a performance poet, and his uncle, Harvey Rosenberg, a career criminal and confessed murderer. It is also a film about family, crime ...

Ratings: PG:US

Genres: Documentary

Country: United States   Languages: English

and 4 others.

Runtime: 78 min


The Poet and the Con is a 78 minute "personal voice" documentary about the relationship between the filmmaker, Eric Trules, a performance poet, and his uncle, Harvey Rosenberg, a career criminal and confessed murderer. It is also a film about family, crime, morality, and redemption – with poetry. Through his identification with his uncle, and in making the film, Trules attempts to come to terms with his own moral conflicts, and with his role as an artist/outsider in society at large.


Trailers and Artwork

Key Art:

Key Frames:
Trailer links:
Size: 21 MB Resolution: 720x478
Languages: English

Quotes and Credits


Sound Stephen Halbert

Editor Eric Trules

Cinematography Arnie Sirlan

Producer Eric Trules

--- Harvey Rosenburg

Director Eric Trules

--- Eric Trules

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