In the Presence of Angels

About This Film

Plot: Angel sightings are reported regularly by doctors, nurses and family members, in patient rooms and in the hallways of hospitals and hospice centers around the globe. When patients are fighting for their life after a serious accident or illness, or in their final ...

Ratings: Unrated

Genres: Documentary

Country: United States   Languages: English


Runtime: 39 min

Memorable Quote: "Everyday, throughout the world, people report Angel Sightings, this is the story of those people."


Angel sightings are reported regularly by doctors, nurses and family members, in patient rooms and in the hallways of hospitals and hospice centers around the globe. When patients are fighting for their life after a serious accident or illness, or in their final days, reports are rampant about visitations by what can only be described as angels, giving comfort and encouragement. These are their documented stories.


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Quotes and Credits

Credits Memorable Quotes:
"Everyday, throughout the world, people report Angel Sightings, this is the story of those people."

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