Route 66: An American (bad) Dream

About This Film

Plot: Three German provincials are searching for hollywood. So they take the most American values they can picture: an absurdly vast car full of fastfood, bottles of oil and camera equipment on the way to California via Route 66. The problem that they never find ...

Ratings: Unrated

Genres: Documentary

Country: Germany   Languages: English

and 9 others.

Runtime: 98 min


Three German provincials are searching for hollywood. So they take the most American values they can picture: an absurdly vast car full of fastfood, bottles of oil and camera equipment on the way to California via Route 66. The problem that they never find Hollywood is not the only surprise on their quest for the American cliches. A documentary drama somewhere between Jackass and Michael Moore, between gloating and satire.


Trailers and Artwork

Key Art:

Trailer links:
Size: 24 MB Resolution: 702x362
Languages: English

Quotes and Credits


Director Stefan Kluge

Camera Operator: Video Camera Mathias Eimann

Camera Operator: Video Camera Gerald Menzel

Film Editor Mathias Eimann

Film Editor Stefan Kluge

Producer Stefan Kluge

Original Music Thomas P. Bechholds

Writer Stefan Kluge

Co-Producer Thomas P. Bechholds

Co-Writer Mathias Eimann

Production Companies Kluge & Bechholds Productions

Distributors Kluge & Bechholds Productions

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